Welcome to AIA
Welcome to the AIA
A word about AIA from our former manager Cecile Oosterveen:
European Mediation Training for Practitioners of Justice 2018 (EMTPJ 2018)

On 20-31 August, AIA held EMTPJ 2018, an intensive course on cross-border mediation in civil and commercial matters, tailored to cover both theoretical and practical elements of mediation from the European perspective.
In the course of the 11-day training, EMTPJ participants were exposed to different situations and scenarios that are often experienced by professional mediators. This year's course was taught by several specialists, including Mr. Philippe Billiet, Ms. Arina Gorbatyuk, Mr. Wannes Vandenbussche, Mr. Ewout Goudsmedt, Mr. Johan Billiet, Mr. Willem Meuwissen, Mr. Georges Hanot, Ms. Barbara Gayse, Ms. Dilyara Nigmatullina and Ms. Anne Witters.
The AIA is grateful for all the positive feedback received from EMTPJ 2018 Participants and we are already looking forward to the 2019 edition!
Recent publications

For further information please visit https://gettingthedealthrough.com/
This publication is available upon request at administration@arbitration-adr.org

For further information please visit https://gettingthedealthrough.com/
This publication is available upon request at administration@arbitration-adr.org

For further information please visit http://globalarbitrationreview.com/
This publication is available upon request at administration@arbitration-adr.org