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Association for International Arbitration

AIA Membership



European Mediation Training for Practitioners of Justice (with DVD)

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Arbitration in CIS Countries. Current issues

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The UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration: 25 years

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Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Energy Sector

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A Selection of Pitfalls under Chinese Arbitration

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"The new EU Directive on Mediation - First Insights"

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"Arbitration and Mediation in the ACP-EU Relations"

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"Interim measures in international commercial arbitration"

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"Colloque sur le Livre Vert de la Commission européenne sur les modes alternatifs de résolution des conflits relevant du droit civil et commercial"

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List of AIA counsellors

The list mentions the members in alphabetical order

(Avocat) Jafer - Kuwait Kuwait
Law, corporate, Civil, Criminal 
Abdeen Mohammed - kuwait - alzahra - block Kuwait
legal administration  
Adham Almoatasem billah - Beirut Lebanon
Business law, family law 
Aldred Adam - Leeds United Kingdom
Competition (Antitrust) Law  
Alina Mioara Cobuz Bagnaru - Bucharest Romania
Alternative Dispute Resolution, Company Law, International Arbitration, Commercial Law, Privatization, Expertise in Fidic Rules,  
AlMajali Haider - manama Bahrain
Aviation Law 
Almuatani Bander - Jeddah Saudi Arabia
Althabity Mohammad - Stirling United Kingdom
Commercial arbitration, interest and damages  
Ameli Koorosh - The Hague Netherlands
International arbitration 
Arif Seyaad - Luton United Kingdom
Construction Law  
ARMEANU ALINA - Bucharest, 2nd district Romania
Civil and commercial disputes 
Astapov Andriy - Kyiv Ukraine
Arbitration and Litigation, Mediation, Mergers and Acquisitions, International Corporative Law and Capital Markets, Real Estate, Tax, Intern... 
Avigdor Grace - Paris France
contract law, social law; european law, consumer law 
Bangidza Anesu - Harare Zimbabwe
Commercial law, energy law, mergers, acquisitions  
Beck Jochen - Brussels Belgium
European Law: Trade and Competition 
Becker Eugene S. - New York United States
multijurisdictional litigation and arbitration, particularly international claims enforcement 
Belohlavek Alexander - Praha 7 Czech Republic
arbitration, private international law, EU law, cross boarder insolvency, investment protection, commercial law (contract law) 
Benny Kollannur - Cochin India
Negotiation, Mediation & Marketing 
Bertrand Edouard - Paris France
international arbitration and commercial litigation 
Billiet Johan - Brussels Belgium
Distribution Law, Banking Law, Intellectual Property, Bankruptcy, Company Law 
Blakely Edward - Mosman Australia
Urban Planning, Disaster, Real Estate 
Blickenstorfer Kurt - Zurich Switzerland
International commercial arbitration; M&A disputes; Investment arbitration 
Bouras Niki - Athens Greece
Commercial Law, Civil Law, Family Law, Cross Border Cases, EMTPJ 
Bouyazdouzen Youssaf - Den Haag Netherlands
Cascone Luigi - Roma Italy
Commercial law, banking law 
Caymo Apolinario - Las Piñas Philippines
Litigation, Arbitration, Mediation, Intellectual Property, International and European Law, International Business Transactions 
Cetinkaya Orcun - Istanbul Turkey
Commercial Litigation, Arbitration, Construction Law, Energy law, Distribution Law, Pharmaceutical Law, Commercial Real Estate. 
Ciobotaru Cristina - Fribourg Switzerland
International Arbitration, M&A, Energy&Environment Law 
Cocalis Dimitri - Athens Greece
Contract, M&A, TMT, Energy 
Codurri Maurizio - Milano Italy
Banking & Financing Law ; contracts; corporate; Trust 
Constantino Ana - Brussels Belgium
International Dispute Resolution (litigation and arbitration) 
Cook Stephanie - Cheektowaga United States
international/ european 
Corapiv Diego - Rome Italy
Commercial Law  
Coronel Cesar - Guayaquil Ecuador
Investor-state arbitrations, international commercial arbitrations, contractual disputes 
David Robin - New Delhi India
davis thad - san francisco United States
Commercial litigation, anti-corruption, securities, mergers, contract 
Davison Michael - London United Kingdom
De Coninck Hans - Lennik Belgium
Specialisations: Travel and Air Transport Law ; ADR ( founder of Belgian Travel Arbitration and Mediation Scheme ) 
De Jager Charles - Geneva Switzerland
international dispute resolution, international trade regulation 
Dinca Dinca Sabina Elena - Sibiu Romania
Mediator, Legal advisor , debt collection senior specialist 
Law, Mediation, Economics 
el khoury teddy - beirut Bahrain
international business law 
ElKhatib Sherif - Dubai United Arab Emirates
Litigation % Dispute Resolution 
Endsjö Anders - Stockholm Sweden
Erdal Tenzile - AN Rotterdam Netherlands
IMI and a NMv and Mfn member in The Netherlands 
Erdal-Türkkol Tenzile - Amstelveen Netherlands
Inter-Multicultural and crossboarding mediation 
Estrin Daniel - Brooklyn United States
Commercial Disputes, International Litigation, International Contracts, Immigration, and Construction  
Favart Martin - Brussels Belgium
European law, competition law, commercial law 
Fierens Jean-Pierre - Brussels Belgium
Litigation and Arbitration, Corporate Law and Distribution 
Florica Ciutacu - Bucharest Romania
Banking, Commercial, Contracts, Intelectual property Law 
Forbes Glenroy - Road Town, Tortola Virgin Islands (British)
Corporate, Commercial, Insolvency 
Franc Pierre Philippe - Paris France
Labour, Commercial, Intellectual Property, contracts 
Gaidaenko Schaer Natalia - Moscow Russian Federation
commercial law. private international law, international arbitration 
GAIED Rachid - Tunis Tunisia
Arbitration, Investment law, Banking law, Corporate law, Oil and gas law, Labor law. 
Ghouma Zied - Tunis Tunisia
public law 
Giovannini Teresa - Geneva Switzerland
Int\'l litigation and arbitration, art law  
Gonzalez Bernice - Cayey Puerto Rico
Accounting, Auditing, Commercial,  
gopinath vedula - visakhapatnam India
Commercial law, contract law, corporate laws, arbitration, corporate governance, legal audit 
Granero Horacio - Buenos Aires Argentina
Derecho y Tecnologia 
Gross Balz - Zurich Switzerland
M&A disputes. Criminal and public law issues. 
Gvelebiani Jaba - Tbili Georgia
International commercial arbitration, domestic arbitration and mediation, construction, real property and tax litigation 
halawani hassan - beirut Lebanon
arbitration and corporate 
Hansebout Alexander - Brussels Belgium
distribution law, (international) commercial contracts, liability, (commercial) litigation 
Harvey Ryan - Los Angeles CA United States
Litigation, Arbitration 
Hirth Dr. Rene-Alexander - Stuttgart Germany
International Civil Procedure, International Arbitration, International Contract / Corporate Law / Investment; Practice Focus German - Asian... 
Hunter J Martin - London United Kingdom
Investment treaty arbitrations international commercial arbitrations 
Hytti Jari - Tampere Finland
Arbitration, Mediation and Litigation Business, Contract and Company Law Insolvency 
Izadi Arash - Tehran Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Jackson David - Sydney Australia
Acting as arbitrator/chairman of arbitration panels, conducting public or private inquiries. Mediation. Special areas of interest are con... 
Jasek Vladimir - Prague Czech Republic
international law, commercial law, litigation, arbitration 
JAYARAMAN Dr. INDUMATHI - Chennai, TamilNadu India
Criminology and security, Privacy Compliance, Privacy Enforcement, Human Rights with special emphasis on Women, children and tribal, Forensi... 
Joseph Dries - Wemmel Belgium
corporate and commercial law. 
KARAOĞLAN Necip İlker - Hatay Turkey
International Trade and Transactions Law, Company Law, International Arbitration Law, Maritime and Admiralty Law, Competition Law,Internatio... 
Kartuzov Mikhail - Odessa Ukraine
Commercial Procedure, International Commercial Arbitration 
Kassas Rana - Bruxelles Belgium
Investment Law, Dispute Settlement, Energy Law, Public-Private Disputes 
Keejoo Ass Professor / DR Jaysha - Curepipe Mauritius
commercial, divorce, neighbourhood, reconciliation,real estate, family  
Kerkman Bert S. - Amsterdam Netherlands
Netherlands and international trade and business law, cross-border dispute resolution, French-Dutch business relations  
Kiani Nassim - Düsseldorf Germany
Specialized lawyer for Intellectual Property Law (Fachanwalt) 
Kim Kap-You (Kevin) - Seoul Korea, Republic of
M&A dispute, construction, telecommunication, trade, investment 
Kim-Meijer Elsie Jantje - The Hague Netherlands
(international) family law, cross border mediatior in international family law cases, divorce cases, visitation cases, relocation cases, int... 
Komm. Rat Bösmüller Helga - Niederösterreich/ Lower A Austria
Estate Trustee 
KOSE Seher Elif - Istanbul Turkey
International Commercial Arbitration, Investment Arbitration, International Private Law 
Kronenburg Edmund - Singapore Singapore
Civil & Commercial Arbitration, Corporate Insolvency, Complex Matrimonial Litigation, Medical Negligence 
Krouse Allen J. - New Orleans United States
Labib Yacine - Tunis Tunisia
Commercial law, investement law, business law, competition law, civil aviation  
Lahoud Farid - Beirut Lebanon
Intellectual Property - Legal Informatics 
Law and Arbitration Firm Etemad va Andisheh - Tehran Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Leathley Christian - New York United States
International commercial and investment arbitration 
Lengyel-Verresen Marijke - Rotterdam Netherlands
international arbitration 
Lewis David - Washington, D.C. United States
Mediation, Cross border Mediation, Transformative Mediation, Med-Arb 
Company & Commercial law, Arbitration law, Labour law , Intellectual Property law, Human rights, Public Interest Litigation, Family law. 
Lye William - Melbourne Australia
Internet and Computer related matters; Cross cultural and commercial disputes; Intellectual Property disputes; International disputes betwee... 
MacGrath Dana - Brooklyn, New York United States
International arbitration and international litigation 
Mailliet Max - Luxembourg Luxembourg
General and commercial Litigation, commercial law, civil law, insolvency law 
Mandiga Satya - Hyderabad India
Marly Natacha - Sevres France, Metropolitan
McDonald Robert - Aberdeen United Kingdom
Commercial Litigation; Employment Law 
Melik Edward - WESTLAKE VILLAGE, Califor United States
Class Action Lawsuit, International law, maritime law, UNCC litigation, Military Tribunal trials, Gitmo Representations, Business and Contra... 
MERAH Akram - Batna Algeria
International Humanitarian Law 
Merson John David - Accra Ghana
meuwissen willem - antwerpen Belgium
mediation negotiation litigation commercial law corporate law real estate law 
More Sonal - Mumbai India
IPR and Business Laws 
Moutaye Irina - Moscow Russian Federation
International arbitration, investment arbitration 
Mugwere Michael Kalaja - Mbale Uganda
General Mediation 
Najar Jean-Claude - Paris France
Arbitration, ADR, oil & gas law, international contracts, compliance 
Nayak Julius - Dundee United Kingdom
Mineral/Mining Law, Banking, Corporate, Arbitration. 
Nyssen Xavier - Paris France
Litigation and Arbitration 
Ononogbu Ijeoma - London United Kingdom
International Dispute Resolution - Commercial Litigation -International Arbitration -Conciliation -Negotiation -Facilitation -Online D... 
Packianathan Isacc Sunder Rajan - Ampang, Selangor Malaysia
Construction, Building and Infrastructure Arbitration, Mediation and Adjudication 
paisley kathleen - Brussels Belgium
IP, IT, complex damages, antitrust, construction, oil and gas,  
Palaniappan Rathna Swamy - New Delhi India
Constitutional law, Adminstrative law, Immigration Law, Civil Law, Criminal Law, Company Law, Competition Law, Arbitration, International La... 
Pampukha Gennady - Kyiv Ukraine
International Arbitration,Real Estate,Commercial Law 
Peeters Nick - Antwerpen Belgium
Bankruptcy and Banking law 
Philippe Denis - Brussels Belgium
Litigation in various matters (contracts, torts, insurance, trade practices, tax law,...) before Courts (Belgium, Luxembourg and European) o... 
Psodorov Dragan - Belgrade Servia
Sales Law, M&A, Contracts, Pharmaceutical law, Private International Law 
Rågmark Olof - Saltsjöbaden Sweden
commercial arbitration & litigation / reinsurance & insurance / shipping & transportation / project finance 
Rainey Charles - San Francisco United States
Commercial Disputes, Fraud Claims, Finance and Securities Disputes, Enforcement of Contracts 
Rajan Dr Chandra - New Delhi India
Commercial Disputes, Corporate Law, Mediation, International Arbitration and Arb-Med-Arb 
Ranjana Prasanna Kohila Gamage - Mulleriyawa Sri Lanka
Certtified Contracts Manager - American Certification Institute, USA 
Robert Osborne Lee - Wanchai, Hong Kong
Roorda Peter - Amsterdam Netherlands
Boardroom counseling; corporate law; mergers & acquisitions; Commercial dispute resolution (litigation and arbitration); cross-border li... 
Rosenthal Jeffrey - Leicester United Kingdom
Partnership and Shareholding Disputes, Business Valuations, Professional Negligence, Investment Advice 
Runesson Eric - Stockholm Sweden
saini amar - Delhi India
Arbitrartion, Civi, Criminal, Matrimonial, Corporates 
SAMMI DHIRAJ K. - Gurgaon India
Banking, Corporate, Constitution, Arbitration 
Sengayen Steven Sarangavany - London United Kingdom
Corporate and Commercial, Commercial Litigation 
Shahzad Naeem - Lahore Pakistan
International Law 
SHI Renlin - Paris France
French Law, Business Law 
Simpelaere Benoit - Brussels Belgium
distribution, commercial, M&A, restructuring, real estate 
Spencer Thomas - Coral Gables, Florida United States
International litigation; International Arbitration; Business law; Litigation 
Spenner Richard - Brighton and Hove United Kingdom
Springorum Harald - Düsseldorf Germany
Litigation and Arbitration in Patent Law 
Sripathi Madhava Raju - Visakhapatnam India
Straten, van Tijl - AMSTERDAM Netherlands
International Trade and Investment Law International Investment Arbitration (damages-compensation) 
Sundermann Stefan - Düsseldorf Germany
Commercial Law; Dispute Resolution 
Tonim Fernando - Cascais Portugal
Van den Haute Erik - Bruxelles Belgium
Contracts; Corporations; Securities 
Van Nieuwenhove Marc - Gembloux Belgium
VANDEPUTTE Piet - 8000 Belgium
Tax law, Social and Labour law, Juvenile Law 
Wafula Wamalwa Davis - Lodwar Kenya
Peace building, mediation and training 
White Dr Simone - Brussels Belgium
anti-fraud enforcement, civil and commercial matters, divorce As an academic: Research Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies ... 
Zykov Roman - Moscow Russian Federation
Arbitration, Construction, Sales of Goods, Commercial, Transportation, Finance, Corporate