About AIA



European Mediation Training for Practitioners of Justice (with DVD)

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Arbitration in CIS Countries. Current issues

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The UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration: 25 years

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Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Energy Sector

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A Selection of Pitfalls under Chinese Arbitration

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"The new EU Directive on Mediation - First Insights"

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"Arbitration and Mediation in the ACP-EU Relations"

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"Interim measures in international commercial arbitration"

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"Colloque sur le Livre Vert de la Commission européenne sur les modes alternatifs de résolution des conflits relevant du droit civil et commercial"

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About AIA


The Association for International Arbitration (AIA) is a non-profit organization open to all those interested in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), irrespective of nationality and level of experience. Since its creation in 2001, AIA strives to bring together the global community in the field of ADR and to promote ADR. AIA also regularly organises conferences and seminars on the wide range of ADR issues in Belgium and we are actively involved in the organisation of various educational events internationally. Moreover, we organise tailored trainings on ADR topics.

In summary, the AIA does not itself decide disputes. The function of AIA is to provide information concerning arbitration and mediation matters, to support members of the AIA. This for example by assisting with negotiations, assisting with developing an ADR institute. AIA wants to improve the quality of ADR in several ways and to promote ADR in general. This can for example by done by assisting in creating new regulations for ADR.

In addition, AIA encourages and promotes scholarship and publication in the field of ADR. For example, we invite our members and, in particular, young practitioners to submit their works for publication in our monthly newsletter ‘In Touch’. The newsletter provides more than 25,000 practitioners and academics worldwide with the latest updates on developments in the field of ADR. In addition, represents compilation of papers presented at the AIA’s conferences organised at least twice a year and serves to enhance the knowledge and understanding of ADR.

The AIA’s training and educational activities include the European Mediation Training for Practitioners of Justice (EMTPJ) which was launched in 2010 following a grant provided by the European Commission and a Qualifying Assessment Program (QAP) for mediators under the International Mediation Institute (IMI). The EMTPJ is a multicultural two-week training course which meets the different mediation criteria in EU member states and in a number of non-EU jurisdictions. It thus enables successful participants to obtain appointments as mediators both within and outside Europe. It is open to all. On the other hand, the Association’s Qualifying Assessment Program approved by IMI gives experienced mediators with at least 200 hours mediation experience and 20 mediation cases the opportunity to become an IMI certified mediator with the online profile fully searchable freely though the IMI’s open search engine.

AIA collaborates with the ADR institutions throughout the world. For example, we are actively involved in mediation through the European Network of Mediation Centres. The Network aims at the sharing of information and good practices in order to promote the use of mediation, to increase the quality of mediation and mediators and to enhance general public awareness to choose ADR as a method to resolve disputes on both domestic and international level.

Interested in becoming a member? Click here!

Interested in submitting an Article to our Newsletter IN TOUCH? Please send an article for review by us to administration@arbitration-adr.org!

A request for a tailored in-house training on any ADR topic by AIA may be submitted to administration@arbitration-adr.org

Dates for the upcoming events of 2018 by AIA are set! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Over AIA

De Association for International Arbitration, of kortweg AIA, is een IVZW met maatschappelijke zetel in Brussel die zich inzet voor de nationale en internationale promotie en verbetering van alternatieve geschillenbeslechting en voorziet begeleiding en ondersteuning aan de verschillende aktoren binnen de ADR sector. AIA doet dit onder meer door het uitgeven van wetenschappelijke publicaties, het organiseren van brainstormingevents zoals het FBM intitiatief (future of mediation in Belgium), vergaderingen met het Ministerie van Justitie, steun aan universiteiten e.a. bij het invullen van opleidingen, conferenties, lezingen, eigen ADR-gerelateerde opleidingen en trainingen enz. AIA beoogt tevens een barometer te bieden van wat leeft en verandert binnen de ADR sector, onder andere door middel van haar maandelijkse nieuwsbrief In Touch, gelezen door meer dan 60.000 contacten wereldwijd.

De European Mediation Training for Practitioners of Justice (zie: www.EMTPJ.eu), intussen gekend als een standaard voor internationale bemiddeling en erkend door de meest prominente bemiddelingscentra binnen (en zelfs buiten) de EU. AIA heeft dit project sinds 2010 opgebouwd met de steun van de Europese Commissie. Er wordt ondermeer aangeleerd hoe men een bemiddeling voorbereidt, de partijen aan tafel brengt en een bemiddeling voert (focus commerciële bemiddeling).

Interesse om lid te worden van AIA? Klik hier!

Interesse om een artikel in onze nieuwsbrief IN TOUCH te plaatsen? administration@arbitration-adr.org!

Een aanvraag voor een op maat gemaakte in-house training over een alternatieve geschillenbeslechtings onderwerp door AIA kan aangevraagd worden via administration@arbitration-adr.org

Data voor de komende evenementen in 2018 georganiseerd door AIA staan vast! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



L’Association pour l’Arbitrage International (AIA) est une AISBL qui s’engage pour la promotion nationale et internationale de l’ADR. Elle aide les entrepreneurs en ce qui concerne la gestion des conflits, aide les entités ADR dans le développement de leurs activités, met des arbitres/médiateurs en contact avec les centres de l’ADR et vice-versa, place des publications, organise des brainstormingevents, conférences, séminaires, formations, présentations, etc. Elle atteint environ 60.000 contacts partout dans le monde.